Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break Part 2

So, from where I left of from the last entry about Spring Break, we went from Venezia (Venice) to the Brion Cemetary (designed by a modern Italian Architect, Carlo Scarpa) and Vicenza for a couple of hours and then on to Verona for 2 nights.
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The Doge's Palace with St. Marks in the background. (Venezia)
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Believe it or not, this is part of the Brion Cemetary.
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This is Al in Vicenza. We had so little time there, that we saw a few of the Palladian Buildings there, but spent most of our time in a park enjoying the awesome weather.
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Wendy (right) and Christie (left) even did some acrobatics in the park.
Then onto Verona, which I loved! I really had no expectation of what Verona was going to be like, but it was awesome, as well as the 60-70 degree weather!
My favorite day was the last full day we spent there, in which we spent most of the day outside. The day was comprised of amazing gelato, a lot of park time, and an amazing sunset!
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Here is some of the group that watched the sunset, closest first: Brad P, Eric S, Sam, and Wendy. (with Al and part of Christie in the back)
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I love this piazza in Verona. We spent a lot of time here.
Well, that concludes the first week of spring break in Italy. Part 3 hopefully to come soon!

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